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Behaviour Guidance and Discipline


All children are unique individuals who must be treated with kindness, compassion, respect, and consideration in all situations. Developmental discipline gives children the freedom to explore and discover the world around them within safe and secure boundaries. Discipline is the teaching and learning process by which each child develops socially acceptable behaviours as they mature. It helps them to develop self-control, and self-confidence, regulate their behaviours, problem solve and ultimately resolve their conflicts. Discipline involves a continuous process of guiding behaviours and is offered while acceptable behaviours are occurring, as well as before, during and after unacceptable behaviours are displayed. Employees must use the following preventive and intervention strategies listed below when guiding the children’s behaviours.


1. Prevention Techniques:

· Establish clear, consistent, and simple limits.

· Rather than ask questions, make statements of expectation

· Affirm the limits and expectations and be straightforward using step-by-step instructions.

· Focus on the behaviours, not on the child.

· Reinforce appropriate behaviours.

· Offer appropriate choices to avoid conflicts.

· Encourage the child to ask educators to assist them in problem-solving

2. Intervention Techniques:

· Educators must ensure that any disciplinary action taken is reasonable in the circumstances.

· Respectfully gain the child’s attention.

· Use logical and natural consequences.

· Use proximity and gentle touch.

· Remind the children of the expectations and limits.

· Use active listening.

· Acknowledge feelings before setting limits.

· The child’s feelings will be recognized. The child will be given words or other means of expressing emotions. The educator will respond to the child in a non- judgmental, open manner to allow for the expression of feelings and the opportunity to resolve problems.

· Distract or divert when appropriate

· Role model problem-solving skills.

· Offer appropriate choices.

· Redirect/Shift the child’s attention to something else.

3. Redirection:

Redirection consists of a reasonable method in the circumstances, such as: picking the child up and moving them or taking the child’s hand and walking to a new play area. The purpose is to allow the child to settle down and regain control. The time away will depend on how long the child needs to settle down and regain control of the behaviours or emotions; once this has happened, the child may return to play. Educators must be positive and acknowledge their accomplishments when the child rejoins the others.

Comments such as, “I’m so happy you’re back to play with us,” can be made. If the educator feels they cannot deal with the situation, they can obtain support from management. A decision can be made about what needs to be done within the circumstance.

4. Inappropriate methods:

Staff is not permitted to use the following discipline methods:

· Inflict or cause to be inflicted any form of physical punishment, verbal, physical degradation, or emotional deprivation. This includes but is not limited to yelling at or belittling children, hitting, slapping, biting, pushing/shoving, pulling, pinching, abusive words…etc.

· To use or permit the use of any form of physical restraint, confinement, or isolation.

· A child at no time will be threatened or deprived of any basic needs, such as love, water, food, and rest.

If any of these forms of discipline are used towards a child, the employee will be terminated immediately.

5. Incident/accident:

· Incident/accident forms are to be completed after incidents/accidents occur. Educators will discuss with the pick-up person, and this person will be asked to sign the incident/accident form. These will be kept in the child’s file. If the behaviours are a concern, educators will complete observations to figure out what is causing the behaviours so we can better stop them. All problems are discussed with the Director. If the behaviours persist, the Director will set up a meeting with the parent to discuss the issue and together come up with a plan. This may include but is not limited to referrals to inclusive childcare, family education, autism society, PACE … etc. If this plan fails to work, under the discretion of the License Holder and the Director, Wee Care Daycare has the right to discontinue care for this child.

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