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Frequently asked Q&A

Wee Care Day Care and Drop in Centre Crayon heart

As a parent we know there are always a million- and- one questions. 


Wee Care Day Care prides itself on open communication and have created a Q&A to hopefully answer all of those questions for you. 


  • What ages of children do you accept?
    We welcome children aged 12 months to kindergarten entry (approximately five years old).
  • What are your hours?
    Wee Care Daycare Full-Time Childcare Program is open Monday to Friday, 7:00 am - 6:00 pm We are closed on all statutory holidays, including New Year’s Day, Family Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, Victoria Day, Canada Day, Heritage Day, Labour Day, Thanksgiving Day, Remembrance Day, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, and Boxing Day.  Although rare, we also may close for extended holidays, professional development, and disease outbreaks.    Dates can change and will be posted to our site.
  • How much does it cost?
    Cost is based on many variables. Please see the Full-Time Childcare page for Pricing.
  • Are you a licensed childcare facility?
    Wee Care Daycare is licensed through Alberta Child and Family Services.
  • How many children or spots does your facility allow?
    Our license allows us to welcome 112 children at any given time, however ratios dictated by Legislation and the Province of Alberta come into play based on ages and accessibility. This can change based on Alberta requirements and we will actively advise our families of any availability or changes. Our employees come from various educational backgrounds, but they all share a love for young children and believe in providing high-quality childcare. 
  • Do you provide snacks or meals?
    Yes, we do have an option for families to enroll in our food program. Families may have to supply their child's food if they have allergies, sensitivities, or dietary restrictions. Mealtimes are as follows: 9:00am-9:30am | Morning snack 11:30pm – 12:00pm | Lunch 3:00pm – 3:30pm | Afternoon snack Please see our current Menu at the bottom of this page under Food & Meal Plants:
  • What do the children eat?
    Our menu offers varying food choices based on the Canada Food Guide requirements and standards. We provide nutritious snacks twice a day and a lunch. For more information on our food and meal plans, please see our current menu at the bottom of our Full-Time Program page:
  • Does my child need to be toilet trained?
    No, your child doesn’t need to be toilet trained to attend. When you drop your child off with us, please be sure to include: One diaper/pull-up per hour of care, including cloth diapers Wipes A full change of clothes, including extra pairs of underwear, socks and shoes for children who are potty training
  • Will my child get nap time?
    We offer a quiet time 12:30 pm - 2:30 pm daily. Naps play an important role in a child’s physical and emotional development. Each child has their own cots and bedding. (Bedding is washed weekly)
  • Can my child still come if they’re not feeling well or sick?
    No. Please do not bring your child if they are feeling unwell or if they have been sick within the past 24 hours. To limit the spread of illness, we may refuse entry or send home children who are sick. Please see the attached Illness Policy.
  • What are your hours?
    Wee Care Daycare Drop-In Centre is open Monday to Friday, 7:30 am to 5:30 pm.   We are closed on all statutory holidays, including New Year’s Day, Family Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, Victoria Day, Canada Day, Heritage Day, Labour Day, Truth and Reconciliation Day, Thanksgiving Day, Remembrance Day, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, and Boxing Day.  Although rare, we also may close for extended holidays, professional development, and disease outbreaks.   
  • How much does it cost?
    Our cost is dependent on age of the child as shown below: Memberships are required to use the Drop-In Centre Facility. Basic Membership is no cost and full price as listed below: 12months – 18months Full Day $68 Half Day $42   19months – 25m Full Day $65 Half Day $39   3 years to Grade 1 Entry (approx. 5-6 years) Full Day $62 Half Day $36   There are monthly membership options that allow for premium booking, premium spot on waitlist and include up to 10% off above daily costs. We offer Punch passes that have been averaged and discount applied to assist with costs as well in a bundle of 5, 10, or 15. Please note that Standard and Premium Memberships can apply their discount to the Punch Passes.
  • Can I book a spot in advance if I know I’m going to need childcare?
    Yes! Depending on your membership plan, please review our Drop-In program Memberships and Punch Passes, once subscribing to our site.
  • Can I cancel a pre-booked spot?
    You can reschedule a pre-booked spot with a Premium membership only. You must give a 48-hour notice by calling the office at 780-357-0032. We cannot accept a cancellation by email, message, or voicemail.
  • What ages of children do you accept?
    We welcome children aged from 12 months to Kindergarten Entry (between 5 years and when child will be turning 6 years old).
  • Can my child still come if they’re not feeling well or they’re sick?
    No. Please do not bring your child if they are feeling unwell or if they have been sick within the past 24 hours. To limit the spread of illness, we may refuse entry or send home children who are sick. Please see the attached I llness Policy for more information.
  • Do you provide snacks or meals?
    Yes, we do provide lunch and two snacks. Families may have to supply their child's food if they have allergies, sensitivities, or dietary restrictions. Mealtimes are as follows: 9:30 am – 10:00 am | Morning snack 12:00 pm – 12:30pm | Lunch 3:30pm – 4:00pm | Afternoon snack Please see our facilities current meal plans on our Full Time Programs Food and Meal Plans at the bottom of the page:
  • What do the children eat?
    Our menu offers varying food choices based on the Canada Food Guide requirements and standards. We provide nutritious snacks twice a day and a lunch. For more information on our food and meal plans, please see our current meal plan at the bottom of our Full-Time Program page:
  • Does my child need to be toilet trained?
    No, your child doesn’t need to be toilet trained to attend. When you drop your child off with us, please be sure to include: One diaper/pull-up per hour of care, including cloth diapers Wipes A full change of clothes, including extra pairs of underwear, socks and shoes for children who are potty training .
  • Will my child get nap time?
    As a flexible childcare provider, we are happy to accommodate naps and rest periods upon request.   We do offer a quieter area for rest and will do our best to provide gentle encouragement for children who appear tired or if you have requested a nap for your child. All naps or rest times will be recorded for your review.
  • How much notice do I need to give before I drop off my child?
    You can reserve a space for your child up to one month in advance with a premium membership through your online account.  Please note that due to the nature of flexible childcare, we cannot guarantee availability, please ensure you're using your subscription for review of slots available.
  • Can I change my membership?
    Yes. You may upgrade or adjust your membership at anytime through your subscription, and billing will automatically change along with the perks for upgrading.
  • How do I cancel my membership?
     You can cancel your membership by submitting a Membership Change Form to our Coordinator by the 15th of the month via email or in person. The cancellation would then become effective starting on the 1st of the following month.   Please note that we cannot accept cancellation notices by phone, verbally or text message. Cancellation by email MUST include a completed Membership Change Form.

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