Health and Safety
Wee Care Daycare is responsible for supporting children’s health and wellbeing; therefore, Wee Care Daycare has established practices that prevent accidental injuries, protect children from harm and avoid illness. The license holder may provide or allow for the provision of health care to a child if the written consent of the child’s parent has been obtained or the health care provided is like first aid.
Manner of Feeding:
1. All children will be fed in a manner that is age and developmentally appropriate.
2. All children must wash their hands before and after feeding, using the hand washing method. When employees wash the children’s hands and faces, they must use a separate cloth for each child.
3. Children need to be seated when eating and drinking. No beverages, including bottles, will be provided to children while napping.
4. To prevent burns, educators always check the temperature of the food being served, heated food or bottle/milk before serving.
5. Children will be fed from a separate plate or bowl with a different spoon and cup to prevent bacteria and germs from passing.
6. Each child will only use their bottles and sippy cups; children may not share.
Feeding Infants:
1. Keep the prepared formula in the refrigerator.
2. Throw away any leftover formula after feeding.
3. Children must never be given a bottle while lying in a crib or mat.
4. When feeding a child’s baby food, the food must be removed from the jar and put on a plastic dish to be heated up. Close the jar and refrigerate the unused portion.
5. To prevent burns, always check the temperature of the bottle/milk before serving.
6. Do not feed a bottle to an infant in severe distress; this may be a choking or aspiration hazard.
7. Do not feed or give a child a bottle while changing their diaper.
Manner of Sleeping and Laundry
1. Sleeping mats should be placed at least 18” apart.
2. Young infants/children who cannot roll over by themselves will be placed on their backs for sleeping and monitored regularly.
3. There should always be a clear pathway so children and staff do not have to walk over other children’s mats.
4. Staff will monitor children while they sleep.
5. Each child must have their mat, and each mat will be sanitized daily.
6. Each mat must be covered with a crib sheet, and each child must have a blanket. Bedding cannot be shared. (Unless washed first)
7. Children’s bedding will be washed once a week and kept at daycare unless the family chooses to wash the child’s bedding due to soap sensitivity/allergies.
8. All soiled linen will be stored in a closed container.
9. All bibs, wash clothes and soiled linen will be cleaned daily.
10. Washcloths must be removed after each use and placed in the laundry bucket with a lid to ensure no cross-contamination between children.
Part 2: General Health & Safety
1. Wee Care will only use non-toxic and age-appropriate craft supplies in all our craft centers.
2. Each child will only use their grooming items, bedding, and linens, including diaper cream.
3. All cleaning supplies will be kept out of reach of the children, and there will be a lock on all cupboards containing cleaning supplies.
4. Wee Care will not use any form of aerosol spray cans for cleaning, air fresheners, or anything else within the daycare.
5. Wee Care is not to use pesticides of any kind unless extremely necessary. If a pesticide is to be used either inside or outside, it will not be used when the children are present. Children are to be kept inside the daycare when pesticides have been used outside, according to the local health authority (Alberta Health Services). If a pesticide needs to be used within the center, the children are to be kept away from the area for the length of time dictated by the local health authority (Alberta Health Services).
6. Wee Care has temperature control devices on all sinks to prevent the children from getting burned while washing their hands.
7. Protective caps will cover all electrical outlets.
8. The floor coverings are backed with a non-skid material on all corners.
9. All floor fans will be covered.
10. All appliances used throughout the daycare, both in the rooms and the kitchen, must meet safety requirements and be in good condition. When not in good condition, the employees are to report to the management, and the appliance is to be discontinued immediately, repaired, or replaced.
11. All employees will be shown how to operate a fire extinguisher and where they are located upon hiring.
12. We will have all children use a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of 15 or more; we will apply sunscreen generously before all outdoor activities in the summer.
13. Clothing used for dress-up will be washed weekly and will discontinue use during an outbreak.
14. In our water table, the water will be clean and potable. A disinfectant will be added, remaining effective for the whole day. Children will wash their hands before and after use. Water will be drained, and all toys and the table will be disinfected. We will not use the water in the water table during a diarrhea outbreak.
15. Sand in the sand table will be all store-bought sand and be non-toxic. The children wash their hands before and after use. Sand will be changed weekly, and the toys and table will be disinfected. The sand table will not be used during a diarrhea outbreak.
16. Play dough will be homemade, and salt or another preservative will be used to prevent bacterial growth. Play dough will be changed weekly, and old stuff will be discarded. Children will wash their hands before and after use.
17. Each room will be checked daily for toys that are in disrepair or broken. The broken toys must be brought to the office. Management will determine if the toy can be repaired or if the toy is to be discarded. Educators are responsible for logging daily inspections on Daily Safety Checklist.